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Feb 4, 2010 . 12:54 AM

wow... my first blog since lyk. october???
omg.. been so long since iv dropped down thoughts. anywaiiz..yr 10 is officially ova !!!! XDXD
yay for that! hahahha holidayz was great fun :) got to relax n hang out with frends i hadnt seen in a really long time.. anywhooooooz...
i got into a new school :) wich is awesome.
anywaiiz. the story is really long.
so to simple it down for u. i wanted to do music tee and my music teacher was quiting so consequently. i had no tee music offered in lynwood shs. so my music teacher sed she had contacts in churchlands. anywaiiz.. so its lyk. 3 days before school. and i hav my interview and audition. i did pretty shit. in my opinion anywaiiz. but yer.. i got in. HIPHIPHOORAH ! XD
anywhoooz..so yer. now im in churchlands shs!

Firstday :
i was sooooo nervous. i swear to god. but luckily i found some frends... anywaiiz. as i was walking into the school. i met this girl kathy who was also new. so we just lyk. walked around the skool a few times.. to get our bearings. and . HOLY SHIT! it is THEEEEEEEEE Largest school u hav eva seen! i mean. seriously.... its massive as hell! toput it into perspective. they literally have three ovals! LITERALLY!!! anywaiiz.. we walked around. and then we went to the gym to b given short speech on being welcomed into yr 11.and guess how many students in yr 11 ???
400+!!!!!! theres FOUR HUNDRED PLUS! students in churchlands.. i mean. thats massive. seirously.. anywaiiz.. as i went to form. which is our lyk... as we say in lynwood. "TAG" so yer.. i met some nice girl der. who was .. ALSO NEW! XD was happy. shes cool. hers name Jennis Qui. and she plays piano too :) i officially hav a piano buddy i can lyk. play duets with. cuz shes also grade 8 wich is awesome too :)
second period first up. becuz we had to miss out on first cuz of assembly....
anywaiiz... i had chem, and oh my gosh!!!!!!! the teacher is freaki as hell. lyk seriously.. we she looks at u... u hav a massive reaction of GET AWAY!!!!! to let u noe wat she looks lyk... shes shortish. but shes lyk not fat. shes average weight.... i think she wuld be around lyk.. 40s??? anywhoz. we she talks to u. her eyebrows lift up. and her eyes widen. now i noe that doesnt sound scary... but wen u widen ur eyes.. u only see a tiny bit of white above ur pupil. but for this teacher. u can see lyk. 1 and a half centimetres of white. its scary as hell. and to top it off.. shes got lyk. this. GIANT!!!!! MOLE! under her nose. and i just lyk. sit der and stare. lyk literally...
so yer. shes a really scary teacher. and what was my favourite science subject.. ... now has turned into the least favourite......
so after second period i had recess... that was alrite. cuz my frend jennis was in my chem class. so we hanged out a bit. "hanging out " we went to third period. so. third period. i had english.. now. for most pplz in lynwood english teachers r either nice. or cruel. ie RANDLE!
but. the teacher i had.. shes lyk. u dont hate her. or u dont like her either...
u noe why?? cuz u think she is weird. and ur thinking huh? well i shall tell u why she is weird...
she is THEE most enthusiastic person u hav eva met. and its really really weird... and lyk. she always lyk has this cheesy smile. cept its not a smile. its lyk. a cheesy smirk... and seriously looks lyk a pedofile wen she looks at u. anywaiiz.. she wuld be all HAPPY!!! one minute. and then she wuld b lyk.. so serious next. for example... went he class came in.. u noe wat she was lyk to the class??? she was lyk.. (imagine this in a reallllllllly happy tone) HIIIIIIIIIIIIII CLASS!!!!!! GUUUUUUUESSSSSSSSS WATt?!!??!?!?!? its SOOO exciting!!!!! and the class is just lyk... o.O wtf??? and shes lyk. I GOT NEW WHITEBOARD MARKERS! isnt it GREAT! ....
i swear to god.. i was lyk. omg..... wth...... and u noe. wen she reads.. shes the slowest!!!! reader in the whole world. seriously... for every word that she says she says it in a different tone and try to make it interesting.. but to b honest. it puts me to sleep >_>
anywaiiz. enough about english... to my next class i went :) now this is period 4 n i hav econs...the teacher was average. good at explaning stuff. but i was a complete loner >_> so. yer...
and instead of having form or "tag" after lunch lyk lynwood... we hav it before lunch..
now for those who dont noe. the majority of music students hav der own class.. anywaiiz... form is really boring. i just sit der. and sometimes play on the keyboard with jennis.
so the bell finally went and off to lunch we went... n omg... the canteen in this skool. is THEEEE best! like seriously.... der menu of food is ten times beta. and to put it into perspective... imagine lyk. a seven eleven .... cept wen u go in der. ders only food and drinks available... and then once u hav wat u need. u go to the counter and pay... so yer. thats basically our skool canteen... so after lunch. i had maths 3a. and i was such a loner in the class. seriously... i was sitting by myself.. but to b honest. i think thats the easiest class yet. lyk... omg... i was so bored... and the teacher is so creapy. he looks lyk a fish. and i htink hes irish cuz he has that accent. anywaiiz... yer. maths was easy. and now to shock you all!!!!!!! we hav sixth period :O but its ok. cuz the periods r shorter on that day and we still finnish at the same time. 3.35...... i had music last :) and omg... holy shit! der r so many music students in yr 11 der was about lyk 60 pplz???? and lyk. the girl next to me wat lyk. omg.. this class is so small.. its usually bigger than this. my face was just lyk o.O anywaiiz... dey split us up into seperate classes so yer.. after 6th period i went to go home by bus and train.and this school. LITERALLY has lyk. 7 buses not including the many buses that r for public transport. .. and EVERY single bus is packed with people... its complete unbelievable.. hahhaha :) my trip home takes ages.i need to catch a bus to stirling station from my skool. and then i hav to catch the train to city. and from city i catch train to cannington and from cannington i catch a bus home. and this takes 1hr and 45 minutes :) so by the time i get home. its lyk. 5.15 =.=

day TWO : ;)
so i get to skool. n im starting to become a bit more. less nervous. cuz i noe a few pplz around the skool. anywaiiz.. i go to english. as usual its boring. and then second period i had maths specialist.. i found it lyk. so confusing o.O cuz lyk.everyone at churchlands.. last yr alredy got the calculator and started to use it.. so basically i was lyk. the noob of the class >_> and omg.. i saw this guy.. and he looks lyk muzakkir o.O im seriously.. its really creapy. hes dark. but hes got short hair. and he has glasses... but hes lyk. same height and looks more asian. o.O freaky stuff... anywaiiz.. recess came. once agen explored the skool with jennis. den period three came. >_> chem... o.O the teacher omg.. officially the creapiest teacher eva. anywaiiz.. on normal days lyk. tuesday wednesday and friday. we hav form straight after third period den lunch den two more periods.... anywaiiz... so 4th period came and i had maths 3a agen. same old irish guy... and omg! i saw my frend hannah. n for those who dont noe. hannah is new. and i first met her in the skool uniform shop. we wer trying on cloths at the same time. hahahah. and yer. so then i had a new frend in math 3a and then after that subject.. turns out. wer in the same econs class :) so i was officially not a loner in econs and maths :)
wednesday -day three... had econs first.so i got to hang out with hannah :) then music came along.. and man... aural music has never been harder >_> who knew i sucked that much in rhythm.....
thursday... fourth day....
OFFICIALLY! BEST DAY EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thursday is prob the only day i look forward to now. during the week....
to explain why. i hav music econs and maths 3a
and guess wat??!?! WE DO SPORT!!!!!
so basically i hav music, then econs. den recess. . then maths 3a. then form then lunch. and then sport . and then we leave an hr early :) yipeeeee.e.. its awesome. cuz. music is fun. econs is cool cuz i hav hannah. and maths 3a is easy as hell. and i hav hannah and her frend corey wich is now my frend :) and then for sport. we can choose wat sport we want.. n i chose badmiinton :) so awesome!!!!
friday. today....
5th day
it was a boring day... but it was ok. cuz.. i hanged out with hannah and jennis.. anywaiiz... turns out hannah is going to change into music. :) yay! how awesome..... and then figures out.. im actually pretty good at theory work in music (Y)
so yay for me!
oh and check out my uniform! its lyk. almost identical to lynwoods lowerskool uniform. hahahha